Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who is Julie Valentine?

The Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center was founded in 2001. It was a result of the combining of the Greenville Rape Crisis, Prevent Child Abuse Greenville, and the Greenville Children's Advocacy Center. However, recently the GRCCAC has undergone some changes.
The center has changed its name to the Julie Valentine Center. Julie Valentine was a newborn baby found in the woods of east Greenville on February 13, 1990. Despite police efforts her parents were never found, and her identity was never recovered. The police named her Julie Valentine because she was found so close to Valentine's Day. Her name represents a symbol for hope against child abuse, and rape. The Greenville Rape Crisis Center was formally renamed the Julie Valentine Center on February 14th, 2011.  

Get Involved!
The Julie Valentine Center has great opportunities to volunteer. The center has changed its name but it still offers the same services to its clients in need. But, the center needs volunteers in order to help as many victims as possible. The center has flexible hours and has many different options for volunteer work.

The following is a list of volunteer opportunities currently available at GRCCAC:
  • Advocacy
  • Child Care
  • Speaker's Bureau
  • Office/Administration
  • Internships
  • Fundraising
  • General
  • Group Projects
  • Main Street Jazz
  • Downtown Alive
  • Fall for Greenville

Julie Valentine statue outside of the newly renovated Julie Valentine Center

For more information, or to request a volunteer application, contact us at

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