April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Join the Julie Valentine Center at the Julie Valentine Memorial on April 28th from 5:30- 7:00
"In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, JVC will bring awareness to the issues of sexual violence in our community with a presentation and bell ringing ceremony in Cleveland Park. Join us at the Julie Valentine Memorial as we come together to support survivors of sexual violence and take a stand against these crimes in our community. The ringing of one bell, one voice calls attention; the collective ringing of a commuinty of bells brings about change.
Guest Vocalist, Ella Mae Bowen will be performing as well. Ella Mae and her producer Seth Bolt, who is the bass player for NEEDTOBREATHE, wrote "When I Look in the Mirror." The song is about the struggles they have seen others face due to family violence and the toll it can take on a family. They have both been blessed with loving families, and feel fortunate." - GRCCAC.ORG